
Measuring pH in Stormwater from Construction Sites


Stormwater and Water Pollution

Urban areas tend to have large amounts of impervious surfaces, resulting in large volumes of runoff. As Physical property test stormwater flows over these impervious surfaces, chemicals, pollutants, debris, and sediment are gathered. This pollutant and nutrient-rich stormwater ultimately drains into sewers, where it continues to a wastewater plant for treatment or into a natural water body such as rivers, lakes, wetlands, and estuaries.
Rainfall events and the associated stormwater can cause surface water pollution and is therefore monitored and regulated.
In the United States, sampling and testing requirements differ based on the location of runoff. For example, industrial facilities are federally regulated and required to have a treatment Chromatogram and analysis plan for storms producing 0.1 inches of accumulation after a 72-hour dry period.
Construction site water runoff is not federally regulated but subject to local regulation.

Stormwater from Construction Sites


The pH of the stormwater is typically measured at the point of discharge to the waterway or at the point that it leaves the construction site. Measurement can be performed either directly in the flow or storm water or in a sample that has been collected in a bottle.
When a pH reading is outside this range, treatment is required. Additionally, the onsite source of pollution must be identified and remedied. At construction sites, pollutants can come from a variety of sources.
Best management practices (BMPs) such as silt fences, retention ponds, and hay bales are often utilized to catch and filter stormwater runoff, but damaged silt fences or high sediment build up reduce the efficiency of BMPs.

A Construction Company's Challenge

A construction company contacted Hanna Instruments about an instrument to measure the pH of their stormwater onsite.
The customer needed to measure heavy metals and pH in their stormwater runoff for their local permit. They currently sent samples to a lab for analysis.
However, the pH measurements had to be reported within 12 hours of the rainfall event. The Lab results were not always back in time. The tests were expensive also.
The construction company specializes in pre-planned neighborhoods and therefore, works with large amounts of concrete.The customer was required to report their stormwater pH as concrete is strongly alkaline can strongly influence stormwater pH if the proper BMPs are not in place.


Globe-instruments.com's Recommendation



The customer appreciated that the HI98190 was waterproof and came supplied with the HI12963 titanium bodied pH electrode. The durability of both the meter and electrode, along with the rugged carrying case, gave the customer peace of mind that the equipment would have a long lifespan, even when used in stormy conditions.

  • The CAL Check™ feature of the HI98190 allowed the customer to view and report when the meter was last calibrated to ensure compliance in their pH reporting. The log-on-demand feature allowed the customer to log the pH reading, date, and time of each measurement for ease of reporting later. The HI98190 provided the customer a convenient and valuable solution for their pH measurement needs.
To download a copy of this application note click here or follow us on Facebook.

Quantitative methodology data collection and the role of Information Technology (IT) in national emergency responses

The purpose of this article is to identify three quantitative data collection approaches as well as to provide a summary of the findings, Chromatogram and determine an appropriate quantitative data collection approach for a study on the role of Information Technology (IT) during national emergency responses. It is equally important to ensure that these findings include justification about sampling, bias, validity, and reliability. The article will reveal in what ways researchers considered sampling, bias, validity, and reliability for the study.
The article summarizes three quantitative data collection techniques and how these have influenced in the quantitative study of integrating Information Technology (IT) to national emergency response tools like the Emergency Management Information System (EMIS). The article will address how experience and training of emergency responders can affect operations of EMIS, and how a study influences national emergency responses during emergencies like those during the attacks on September 11, 2001.
Quantitative methodology
Conducting research studies require that researchers Physical property test examine the best research approach for each individual study.  No single research approach will fit every study, and this is why researchers must plan their research strategy employing analytical and numerical approaches when considering a quantitative methodology as the best course of action for their research.  Before getting ready for a research, scholars face the dilemma about what research methodology approach to use.  A good number of them choose to adopt a qualitative approach while others may like a quantitative methodology more.  The reality is that there is no right or wrong methodology.  Each approach contains unique characteristics that can be useful depending on the purpose of the research (Holton & Burnett, 2005).  Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies present distinct views of the social world, the role of science in knowing and understanding this world, and data collection methods.  When choosing a quantitative methodology, according to Cohen and Manion (1980), researchers employ empirical methods and empirical statements by demonstration that those methods and statements are a descriptive representation of what the "real world" is rather than what is "ought" to be.  Typically, researchers communicate empirical statements in numerical terms, which become part of empirical evaluations.  These empirical evaluations translate into ideas that try to determine the extent of what degree a specific process or methodology can empirically fulfill or not fulfill certain standards or norms.
Quantitative research commonly uses experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, or descriptive instruments (Holton & Burnett, 2005).  As stated earlier the article communicates three of the different quantitative data collection approaches, but before addressing these, it is essential to define what quantitative methodology is as the scholars see it.  Researchers choose a quantitative approach instead of its counterpart, the qualitative research methodology, to illustrate a measurable causal effect from numerical changes that emerge from the characteristics of a studied population (Kraska, 2010).  Any measurable form of data resulting from the study can also help explain predictability, as well as describing causal relationships (2010).  Convincing those that believe that a quantitative paradigm distorts the phenomena studied, must be confronted with the idea that the quantitative paradigm is more appropriate when establishing cause and effect relationships, and when professional values are not compromised by intrusive, and controlled techniques (Siegel, 1984).  The next section presents the data collection methodologies.
Data Collection
Data collection methods used in quantitative research studies generates objective, observable, reliable, numerical facts about particular, operationally defined components of social reality (Allen-Meares & Lane, 1990).  It is important to take assumptions in consideration before discussing any data collection methods.  The first assumption is that the quantitative concept hypothesizes the social world as causal expressions of the reality that influences and predicts social actions (Cohen & Manion, 1980).  Another assumption is that the quantitative methodology is a paradigm that uses processes designed to verify and confirm relationships described by theory in part by experimental or correlational research strategies that are verifiable, and logically deductive (Reichardt & Rallis, 1994).  The first of the three data collection methods discussed on this article is structured observation.
Structured Observation
Structured observation works with a predetermined plan of what exactly to look for during the observation sessions, whereas naturalistic observation looks anything of importance without any prearranged strategy (Wragg, 1999).  Structured observations measure the frequency, duration, or magnitude of certain behaviors exhibited by the observed object or objects.  Moreover, structured observations often involve using rubrics or checklists in order to allow for standardized data collection.  Quantitative approaches tend to be highly structured with very detailed pre-developed observation schedules.  If this approach is chosen, decisions have to be made by the researcher as to whether already existing observational schedules will be used, or an observation schedule will be specifically developed for one particular study.  Compilation of data by ways of observations can consider scenarios that include facts, real life events, or behaviors (verbal or non-verbal). Structured observations focus on social phenomena employed to test research hypotheses employing a coding system to register the participants' conduct (Sukamolson, 2007).  The coding system classifies behavior, and coded as observed in terms of how frequent such behavior appears.  As stated earlier, one difference of structured observation from other observations is that the focus of the observations has been determined beforehand (2007). Structured observation satisfies the ideologies and expectations of quantitative research because the focus of the observation shifts into manageable and more adaptable forms of data that translate into variables, hence in the form of quantitative data.
Although interviews are often associated with qualitative research, interviews can play a big part of the quantitative research as well (Sukamolson, 2007).  In quantitative research studies, the interviews are very structured, with the interviewee able to choose a response only from a pre-set series of questions on the interview form.  Often the reply can be a simple yes or no, or it may just be a number.  Otherwise, the interviewee may have to choose one item from a list.  After completing the interview, the answers are coded and entered into a computer database for statistical analysis.
Researchers conduct interviews in different ways.  Three types of interview exist in the literature of research methodology (Morgan & Harmon, 2001).  The purpose of the study that researchers like to achieve establishes the choice of interview.  The first, face-to-face interview, researchers attempt to discover peculiarities about the observed objects and as a result, come up with effective answers in a short time because of the personal interaction that this type of setting provides (2001).  The next interview type is the structured interview, which takes the form of a questionnaire.  In this method respondents are asked the same questions and in the same sequence with the purpose to minimize any bias (Morgan & Harmon, 2001).  The next type is the semi-structured interview.  In this technique, the interviewer has a list of general subjects, but some questions can be omitted depending upon the circumstances.  The third technique is the unstructured interview referred to as informal.  This type of interview is an effective way of collecting in-depth data.  There is no predetermined list of questions, so the respondent can talk freely as long as the content and topic are related (Morgan & Harmon, 2001).
Surveys employ data collection instruments to collect data from a sample of a relevant population, or from an entire population (Patton, 2002).  Surveys are used considerably in experiments because of their flexibility to collect data on almost any issue (2002).  Surveys are inexpensive and precise methods of collecting data, but at times difficult to produce, and may return a low response percentage, affecting in a negative way the reliability and validity of the collected data (2002).
Information Systems in Emergency Management
Information technologies form an essential part of emergency preparedness and planning. Emergency preparedness outlines a community's steps to respond efficiently to external or internal threats, and the reduction of the effect of these threats to the wellbeing and security of the community (Perry & Lindell, 2003).  National crises and disasters can turn into serious events that demand the best decision-making efforts from leaders in both government and the private sector (Mendonca, 2007).  Decision Support Systems strengthen operational, tactical, and strategic decisions in organizations (French and Turoff, 2007).  These systems assist in the decision-making process during incident management. Emergency response communication and information requirements vary in scope and proportion, and information and communication technologies help making these requirements a reality (Turoff, 2002).  To provide adequate decisional support to manage crises, researchers and practitioners in information system and disaster management have urged attention to the development or enhancement of Emergency Management Information Systems (EMIS) (Carver & Turoff, 2007).
Emergency Management Information Systems Research Study
During their study, Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, and Bailey (2012) conducted two experiments and found how Emergency Management Information Systems (EMIS) helped those responsible of making hard decisions with information that is gathered and shared at every level of the incident response team.  As a decision-support system, the EMIS provide members of the emergency management team the ability to collect partial but sometimes-important data during highly stressful circumstances and a high volume of information to be processed (2007).  Originally, EMIS were designed to provide geospatial data only as two-dimensional (2D) displays that show orientations and relative positions by laying objects in a plane and by using colors or contour lines to represent elevations (Kwan & Lee, 2005).  While performance factors for these types of tools improve, the interest changed to three-dimensional (3D) visualization, especially after the events of September 11.  With the extra dimension, 3D displays incorporated orientations, relevant positions, elevations, and shapes of objects, all in a single view.  Even if 2D or 3D EMIS are utilized during, emergency events there still always the possibility that making a decision on time might cause hesitation, harm, or injuries.  The study showed that before recommending any kind of flexible solution for EMIS, it is crucial to consider if EMIS users and decision makers with less experience with these systems, can learn and operate the system without assistance, while performing the decision making job in a dependable fashion and demonstrate the capacity to make the hard decisions without delays (2007).  Like any technical tool or IT application, these systems become impractical without any type of human interaction.  For the study, a laboratory-based experimental method was selected to test two hypotheses:
H10.  Without guidance, novice EMIS users will fail to choose task-appropriate display formats at a rate greater than what would be expected by chance.
H2A.  Decision makers given prospective decisional guidance about display format selection will have better decisional performance than those who do not get such guidance.
The use of a controlled environment allowed for the implementation of various tests, as well as the addition of one decisional guidance, while allowing continuous scrutiny of participants' answers (Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, & Bailey, 2012).  The researchers followed Silver's three-step approach, which analyzed the effect of decisional guidance with two independent but closely related experiments (Silver, 1991).
Experiment one gave researchers the opportunity to investigate the extent to which inexperienced EMIS users, without supervision, instinctively selected display designs matched better their role as incident decision maker.  The results for experiment one demonstrated that when the task required only horizontal information about the target object, 84% of all participants specified correctly that the plan view was the best visual representation for the task (Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, & Bailey, 2012).  On the other hand, only 34% and 49% of participants correctly selected displays for tasks that showed elevation views or 3D displays, correspondingly.  Researchers replicated and validated the results with actual first responders from local fire and police departments.  H10 examined whether inexperienced EMIS users demonstrated any proof of switching their display selections to fit a predictable and more comfortable working environment by selecting the displays that met their individual likes and not necessarily the standard (2012).  To determine any statistical trends if participants made the correct displays choices, researchers compared real percentage of correct choices to the percentage that would be expected to happen only as a possibility (2012).
For the second experiment, Shen et al. established two groups, an experimental group with participants who used a decisional guidance example with basic information about display choices.  The second was the control group with participants who received a guidance example that included only general information about the job of an incident commander but no additional information about display choices (Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, & Bailey, 2012).  Participants were given questionnaires to document demographic data, graphical preference, and 3D mental rotation ability.  To ensure the successful installment of treatment, researchers conducted manipulation checks after the treatment or control scripts.  Participants were asked to answer ten manipulation check true or false questions.  Only those participants who properly answered all ten manipulation-check questions were included in the statistical analyses.  The next step was to project the horizontal plan view, and 3D view onto a screen on the wall.  Participants then completed the task to choose what display format was more appropriate for improving their decision-making time and effectiveness.  In summary, providing effective decisional guidance to inexperienced EMIS emergency response operators can improve the fluidity and promptness of their decisions. Participants who passed the manipulation check were included for the experiment. Therefore, these results underlined that participants could understand, and appropriately apply, the correct doctrines for selecting a display format for each particular decision tasks. Provided that one purpose of EMIS is to assist users to make efficient and effective decisions in crisis situations, results like these demonstrate the positive value of giving incident commanders an EMIS that uses both 2D and 3D imaging processes but more important to provide them directions on when and how to use each system (2012).
Choosing the appropriate type and size of sample from a population plays a significant role in the planning of research (Passmore, & Parker, 2005).  Sampling methodologies known to researchers include convenience sampling, purposive sampling, simple random sampling, cluster sampling, stratified sampling, and 100% census of all members of a population (2005).  For the first experiment, Shen et al. selected 48 students from a basic psychology class at a southern state university.  An additional 13 participants were recruited from local fire and police departments.  The last group of participants was composed of four women and nine men, with ages ranging from 22 to 68-years-old, and an average job experience in emergency response of 16 years.  Selection of participants from two different groups makes the sampling a stratified type due to the heterogeneous population (2005).  For their study, Shen et al. used a random selection of display formats resulting on an average accuracy rate for task-display matches of 40% (Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, & Bailey, 2012).
For the second experiment, sixty-one participants were recruited from a basic psychology class at a southern state university (2012).  They were randomly assigned to the experimental or control groups.  As discussed earlier, manipulation checks were conducted to verify the correct distribution of treatment conditions.  Statistical analyses were conducted only on participants who had correctly answered all manipulation check questions (2012).
Study Bias
Flexibility in adapting a specific type of display for EMIS assumes that inexperienced users are able to instinctively make task-display compatibility decisions as it was described earlier (Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, & Bailey, 2012).  Nevertheless, it appears that empirical studies demonstrated the decisions by users degraded.  Users who displayed knowledge bias or displayed disinterest may stress about a specific type of display that they are comfortable with or have used more (Baddoo & Hall, 2003).  Another bias identified by the researchers that influenced the choice of displays is called naïve realismor predisposition of users to like more those displays with photorealistic definitions only because of their own understanding that displays that look more realistic must be more accurate (Smallman & John, 2005).
Shen et al. used a one-sample t-test against .40 suggesting that participants successfully beat the odds (Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, & Bailey, 2012).  The same test was performed for one task that using only vertical information and one that using a combination of vertical and horizontal information (2012).  The total accuracy of the participants for all tasks was 56%.  There was indication that participants leaned toward choosing the correct display for two out of the three tasks therefore, rejecting the null hypothesis.
The two-sample t-tests did not prove variances in performance of either gender or expertise (2012).  The differences between actual first responders and participants without experience may imply that the most fitting selection of displays is a talent or skill that does not develop from experience (2012).  Although first responders performed well on tasks that used horizontal information of 90% and vertical information of 40%, college students were outperformed on both tasks 82% and 33% respectively.  First responders' degree of accuracy on tasks that used 3D view was 40%, lower to the group of students, which was 52% (2012).
Researchers have developed precise measures of reliability, some related to certain statistical tests providing the impression that any research tool should provide the same information if used by different people (Roberts, Priest, & Traynor, 2006).  To assess for tendencies of whether participants making the correct choices was statistically reliable, Shen et al. associated the actual percentage of right selections to the percentage that would be expected to occur by chance (Shen, Carswell, Santhanam, & Bailey, 2012).  Even though surpassing chance performance is a forgiving condition, it offers an impartial reference that allows researchers to make up for the lack of other reliable sources (2012). The researchers perhaps overlooked the assessment of internal consistency of the questions by not using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and applying the split-half test (Cronbach, 1951).
The article began by summarizing the quantitative research methodology.  Researchers elect a quantitative approach instead of its counterpart, the qualitative research methodology, so they can illustrate a quantifiable causal effect from numerical changes that emerge from the characteristics of a studied population.  When employing a quantitative approach, the researcher will normally be using experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, or descriptive instruments for their study.
The article identified three quantitative data collection approaches, structured observation, interviews, and surveys.  The article synthesized the findings and determined that surveys and interviews combined served as an appropriate quantitative data collection approach for a study Emergency Management Information Systems (EMIS) and how the study may influence national emergency responses like during the attacks on September 11, 2001.  Finally, the article provided justification that included sampling, bias, validity, and reliability about the study. http://www.globe-instruments.com/
Oral Epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology, which uses the principles of epidemiology Analytical Instruments, basic principles and methods of oral disease in the study population, development and distribution regularity and influence factors, and oral health research and its influencing factors , to explore the etiology of oral diseases and epidemiological factors, the development of oral health care plan, select control strategies and evaluation of service effectiveness and lay a good foundation. Oral epidemiology is mainly used for:
1 describes the population distribution of oral health and disease status of oral epidemiological population oral health status can be described, cross-sectional descriptive survey was the most commonly used methods of oral epidemiology. It can be a region, a group of people in a certain period of Dental Instruments time of the investigation or certain oral diseases, access to medical education network collected in the area of ​​a specific group of people or certain oral diseases, the prevalence and distribution. In these diseases, such as age, sex, occupation, race, culture, economy, customs and other aspects of the distribution. For other regions Environmental monitoring or different population groups during the comparison and evaluation.
2 study the causes and impact of oral diseases prevalent factors available through a cross-sectional survey the prevalence of certain diseases or factors that leads to form a risk factor hypothesis, and then use the methods of analytical epidemiology for evidence of the risk factors, to determine the possible cause of the disease. If you need to use other research methods, such as a variety of laboratory experiments and epidemiological methods, sometimes also combined with clinical studies, combination of these results may help to further reveal the factors that cause the disease.
3 of disease prevention measures and to evaluate the effect of oral epidemiology can also be used to prevent oral disease prevention measures and methods of research, and evaluation of their effectiveness. A new method of prevention or precaution, to obtain a large number of epidemiological studies of non-experimental evidence, epidemiological experimental methods available to test its effectiveness, the crowd is usually the subjects were randomly assigned to intervention or Cause of dental caries in children occur control group, and in the course of the experiment using blind or double blind method. After a certain amount of experimental period, compared two groups of onset differences.
4 for oral diseases can also be used to monitor oral epidemiological monitoring of oral disease trends. The prevalence of oral diseases often influenced by many factors, such as behavior and lifestyle, environment, health care status, changes in these factors often lead to changes in the prevalence of oral diseases, which require regular monitoring.
5. To develop oral health care programs and evaluate their progress epidemiological surveys of oral health administrative departments at all levels to develop oral health objectives, planning the main basis for oral health measures.


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Model 8690 M Series is the first to utilize our state-of-the-art ComfortLite™ high beam as well as low beam, providing added illumination above the horizon with a powerful punch of light down the road!  The proprietary solid optics offer enhanced visibility to both riders and other drivers, for a new level of rider comfort.
  • Perfect balance between form & function
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3.5″ Round LED Work Light – Model 4415 Mirror Kit

This new kit uses our existing Model 4415 LED spotlight with a new pre-assembled shroud. Kit is intended to be mounted on the side mirrors or forward of the driver with the shroud (snoot) oriented to block the light from the driver / operator’s eyes, providing maximum visibility rearward.
  • Kit includes two lights, with a shroud mounted in right-hand and left-hand orientations.
  • Can also be mounted elsewhere on the truck, such as on the back or side of a sleeper cab, to provide additional lighting.
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Spectrophotometric Estimation of Gold at 565nm

Using Rhodamine B
In the form of AuCl4-, Au(III) Analytical Instruments gives rise to a violet complex  with the cation of rhodamine can be extracted with  benzene and iso- propyl ether . The extracted is governed by the concentration of hydrochloric acid and other chlorides.
Interfering ions:
Sb(V), Tl(III), W (VI), Hg(II) (> 250), Fe(III) (>100 µg),  and  Sn (IV) (10µg) also  give the extractable  coloration. When these metals are present , the gold may be separated by precipitation with hydroxylamine hydrochloride , using  tellurium as an entraining agent .
  1. Hydrochloride acid, 6M 250ml of water are added to 250ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid.
  2. Ammonium chloride , saturated: 150g of ammonium chloride are dissolved in 500ml of water .
  3. Rhodamine B, 0.04% : 200mg of rhodamine B are dissolved in 500ml of water.
  4. Iso propyl ether.
Operating procedure:
2.5ml of 6M hydrochloric acid and 5.0ml of ammonium chloride are added to 5ml of solution containing 10 to 20µg of gold: the volume is made up to 15ml.  5ml of rhodamine B are added, followed by 10ml (accurately measured) of iso propyl ether. The mixture is vigorously shaken 100times, allowed to settle and the colorimetric determination is then performed at 565nm. via

Visulization of Sss Materials

Visualization of SSS Materials.
SSS Materials: [Triple S Materials]
Materials possessing grain size on the order of a billionth of a meter. Since nano materials posses unique, beneficial, chemical physical and mechanical properties they can be used for wider variety of applications. We can see the presence of nano materials everywhere and how it is superior to other materials which are being used now days and earlier. Nano materials can be called as SSS materials as they are SMALL, STRONG and SMART.
Amazing Resistance power:
Tungsten Carbide , Tantalum Carbide and Titanium carbide are much harder , much more wear resistant, erosion resistant and last longer than their conventional counter parts. Miniaturization of micro electronic circuits ,the industry needs microdrills( drill bits with diameter less than the thickness of average human hair or 100µm) with enhanced edge retention & far better wear resistance. Since nano crystalline carbides are much stronger, harder , and wear resistant they are currently being used in these microdrills.
High Energy Density batteries:
The life of conventional and rechargeable batteries is low. Nano crystalline materials synthesized by Sol-gel techniques are the ones for separator plates in batteries because of their foam-like (aerogel) structure, which can hold considerably more energy than conventional ones. Nano crystalline nickel and metal hydrides are envisioned to require far less frequent recharging and to last much longer because of their large grain boundary (surface) area and enhanced physical , chemical , and mechanical properties.
Pollution Eraser:
Due to their enhanced chemical activity, nano materials can be used as catalysts to react with such noxious and toxic gases as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide in automobile catalytic converters and power generation equipment to prevent environmental pollution arising from burning gasoline and coal.
Mega Power Magnets:
The strength of a magnet is measured in terms of coercivity and saturation magnetization values. These values increase with a decrease in the grain size and an increase in the specific surface area of the grains. The magnets made of nano crystalline yittrium-Samarium-cobalt grains posses very unusual magnetic properties due to their extremely large surface area. Other applications:
Automobile alternators, land-based power generators, motors for ships, ultra-sensitive analytical instruments and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in medical diagnostics.
High Sensitivity Sensors:
Sensors employ their sensitivity to the changes in various parameters they are designed to measure. The measured parameters include electrical resistivity chemical activity, magnetic permeability, thermal conductivity and capacitance. All these depend greatly on the microstructure of the materials employed in the sensors. The sensors made nano crystalline materials are extremely sensitive to the change in their environment. Applications for sensors made out of nano crystalline materials are smoke detectors, ice detectors on air craft wings, automobile engine performance sensor etc.
Enhancing Efficiency of Automobiles:
Currently automobile engines waste considerable amounts of gasoline thereby contribute to environmental pollution by not completely combusting the gas. A conventional spark plug is not designed to burn the gasoline completely and efficiently. Since nano materials are stronger, harder and much more wear –resistant and corrosion resistant they are presently being envisioned to be used as spark plugs.
These electrodes render the spark plugs longer-lasting and combust fuel far more efficiently and completely. Automobiles waste significant amounts of energy by losing the thermal energy generated by the engine. This is especially true in the case of diesel engines. Hence the engine cylinders (liners) are currently being envisioned to be coated with nano crystalline ceramics, such as Zirconia and alumina so that they retain heat much more efficiently and result in complete and efficient combustion of the fuel.
Improvising the performance of Aerospace Components:
Due to the risks involved in flying aircraft manufacturers strive to make the aerospace components stronger, tougher and last longer. One of the key properties required of the aircraft components is the fatigue strength which decreases with the component's age. By making the components out of stronger materials the life of aircraft is greatly increased. SSS materials i.e nano materials provide such a significant reduction in the grain size over conventional materials that the fatigue life is increased by an average of 200-300%. Further more components made of nano materials are stronger and can operate at higher temperatures, aircrafts can fly faster and more efficiently. So nano materials are the best substitute for spacecraft applications.
Other side of ceramic materials:
Ceramics are very hard, brittle, and hard to machine. These characteristics of ceramics have discouraged the potential users from exploiting their beneficial properties. However these ceramics must posses nano crystalline grains to be superplastic. i.e it can be deformed to great great lengths (up to 300% of its original length).Nano crystalline ceramics, such as silicon nitride, and silicon carbide have been used in such automotive applications as high strength springs , ball bearings and valve lifters because they posses good formability and mach inability combined with excellent physical, chemical and mechanical properties. They can also be used as components in high-temperature furnaces.
Computer chips of future generation:
The micro electronics industry has been emphasizing miniaturization, where by the circuits, such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors are reduced in size .Though microprocessors run faster there are several technical impediments to these advancements including lack of the ultra fine precursors to manufacture these components, dissipation of heat energy due to faster speed short mean time failures etc. Nano materials break these barriers down by providing the manufacturers with Nano crystalline starting materials ultra high purity materials, materials with better thermal conductivity, longer lasting durable inter connections.(connections between various components in microprocessors).
Large Electronic Display Devices:
An electronic device consists of material which an optical absorption band can be introduced or an existing band can be altered by the passage of current through the materials, or by the application of an field. Nano crystalline materials such as tungsten oxide gel are used in very large electro chromic display devices. The resolution, brightness and contrast of these devices greatly depend on the tungstic acid gel's grain size .Hence nano materials are being explored for this purpose.
The resolution of the television or a monitor depends greatly on the size of the pixel. These pixels are essentially made of materials called "phosphors" which glow when struck by a stream of electrons inside the cathode ray tube (CRT).The resolution improves with the reduction in the of the pixel or the phosphors. Nano crystalline Zinc selenide, Zinc sulfide, cadmium sulfide and lead telluride synthesized by the sol-gel technique are improving the resolution of the monitors. The use of nano phosphors is envisioned to reduce the cost of displays so as to render high definition televisions and personal computers
Flat-panel displays represent a huge market in the lap-top computers industry. The flat-panel displays constructed out of nano materials possess much higher brightness and contrast than the conventional ones owing to their enhanced electrical and magnetic properties.
Longer Lasting Satellites:
Satellites are being used for both defense and civilian purposes. These satellites utilize thruster rockets to remain in or change their orbits due to a variety of factors including the influence of gravitational forces exerted by the earth .Hence these satellites to a large extent is determined by the amount of fuel they can carry on board . In fact more than 1/3 of the fuel carried aboard by the satellites is wasted by these repositioning thrusters due to incomplete and inefficient combustion of the fuel such as hydrazine. The reason for the incomplete and inefficient combustion is that the on board ignitors wear out quickly and cease to perform effectively. Nano materials such as nano crystalline Analytical Instruments composite are potential candidates for enhancing these ignitors life performance characteristics.
We have seen only the few applications of nano materials. Many new applications being discovered almost everyday . There are many other applications and uses which have yet to be covered. From the applications we can see that such a small material does wonder in all the fields of science. Their strength and physical chemical and mechanical properties show that their presence in varsity of applications. Really the materials are smart and even specific too. As we study their characteristics deeply we can enjoy the performance of these peculiar materials. our site

List of Analytical Instrument and Their Uses

Analytical instruments are used to analyze materials and after analyzing the product or material, it can establish the composition. There are various types of these machines which are used to determine the material and its purieties and impurities. All types are sdescribed below.
Analytical Equipment are of different types:
  • Elemental Analysis
  • Surface Analysis
  • Form Observation
  • Compound Structure Analysis
  • Thermal Analysis/Thermal Properties
  • Chromatography and Separation Analysis
Elemental Analysis:
Elemental examines the product and its materials and then justify the purity, components and impurities of materials. In manufacturing, the compositions of exhaust gases and wastewater this instrument also examines the generated compositions.
  • Organic Elemental Analyzer
  • Flame and Flameless Atomic Analytical Instruments Absorption Spectrometer
  • Emission Spectrophotometer
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer
  • X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
  • Ion Chromatograph
  • Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometer
  • Particle Analyzer
  • Total Nitrogen Analyzer
  • Nitrogen and Carbon Analyzer
Surface Analysis Types:
  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
  • Auger Electron Spectrometer
  • Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer
  • Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer
  • Electron Probe X-ray Microanalyzer
  • Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Low Level Alpha particle measuring instrument
  • Thermal Desorption Mass Spectrometer
Form Observation:
It analyzes surface and interface conditions of electronic materials, metals, ceramics, catalysts and other substances.
  • Transmission Electron Microscope
  • Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Atomic Force Microscope
  • Optical Microscope
  • Field Emission Scanning Microscope
Compound Structure Analysis:
This device analyzes the structures of new chemical substances, product's materials and their impurities or reactions.
  • Organic Mass Spectrometer
  • Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
  • Visible/Ultraviolet Spectrochemical Analyzer
  • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
  • Raman Spectrometer
  • X-ray Diffraction Analyzer
  • Electron Spin Resonance Analyzer
  • Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectrometer
  • Scanning Infrared Microprobe Analyzer
Thermal Analysis/Thermal Properties:
These instruments determine thermal properties of objects with thermal change.
  • Thermogravimetric Analyzer
  • Differential Thermal Analyzer
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeter
  • Specific Heat Measuring
  • Reaction Heat Measuring
  • Vaporization Heat Measuring
  • Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • Thermal Conductivity Measuring

Chromatography and Separation Analysis:
It gives oriented and accurate results of quantitative analysis and composition analysis of objects. This analysis is used to diversify and sanitize compounds.
  • Gas Chromatography
  • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer
  • Gas Chromatography-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
  • Gas Chromatography-Atomic Emission Detector
  • Liquid Chromatograph
  • Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer
  • Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometer
  • Gel Permeation Chromatograph
  • Thin Layer Chromatograph
  • Pyrolysis Gas Chromatograph
  • Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometer
  • Instruments for Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer
  • Gel Permeation Chromatograph - Scattering Method
  • Capillary Electrophoresis

Atico Export is vital Spectrophotometer, http://www.globe-instruments.com/ in international market. You can call us anytime, we are pleased to serve you.


Make your hair shiny with proper Hair treatment services from professionals

Normally humans have an average of 150,000 hairs on the head but they vary I hair color and hair texture. Well, whatever is your hair type, one thing that is associated with almost all type of hairs are damaged. Our hair shaft has three layers including cuticle. The cuticle protects other two inner layers of our hairs and reflects the health of the hairs. It is the part of our hair shaft which let the heat, sun, chlorine and other unhealthy elements ways from our hair. If the cuticle is damaged then the hairs will look bad and they will break. In any case, if you are also facing such problems then Hair treatment services Greenwich are your requirements.
As we all know that new developments are being seen often in each and every field so hair treatment is also there. One can find so many European hair salons that offer highly effective hair treatment services to all the individuals. Nowadays, hair experts utilize a different type of hair treatments for each kind of hair and cure them till they are back in original shape and size. The treatments can be Keratin treatment or any other chemical treatment that can address the hair concerns. Hair treatments are widely in use for targeting specific styles boryhair and other hair conditions.
The most common problems that are associated with human hairs are hair loss, dandruff, hair damage, split ends and dull hair. All these problems are due to the busy lifestyle, improper hair care, and sleeplessness. In any case, Keratin hair treatment is the best-employed method which is suitable for hair repair, straightening, smoothing, and conditioning. It is a full package that protects the hair and brings their moisture back. It is a semi-permanent treatment that uses formaldehyde to keep the hair healthy. When you use Keratin hair treatment on your hairs then you are effectively replacing the damaged or missed keratin from your hairs. As soon as the applied keratin bonds with the keratin of your hair, you will get your natural hair texture back.
But one thing that you should keep in your mind is that overuse of formaldehyde can do disaster with your hair so you are required to contact a professional hair salon. A professional hair salon like Bella hair Boutique can do miracles with your hair and bring back the shine of the hairs without any doubt. They have the highly expert staff which has all the necessary products and equipment to treat the hairs. http://www.boryhair.com/


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